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How To Get The Maximalist Look


Today I wanted to invite someone else to share their take on Maximalism. 
Laura is a fantastic upcycler from Less Is Bore Interiors and here is what she has to say on the subject. 
I’m an unabashed maximalist and I don’t care who knows it. 

It’s the same now I have a studio flat as to when I had a two bedroom house. Every spare nook and cranny has a small table crammed into it with items I have carefully arranged. My bed and armchair groans with brightly coloured cushions and throws. Any surface I can find is an opportunity to cover with a personal museum of artefacts. If I wasn’t renting, you can guarantee I’d have an exuberantly papered feature wall. 


dark interior


Forget “less is more” more is more and it’s a relatively easy interiors trend to follow. 

It’s not just a case of filling your place with items. Every object I have on display, from my kitchen storage jars, to a treasured artefact, has had its final resting position carefully mapped out. Tidiness and skilful editing of my possessions keeps it an engaging, whimsical insight into my personality rather than just a cluttered mess.


gallery wall


The Victorian and Art Deco eras were all about excess. You couldn’t move in a Victorian drawing room for lavishly, ornate furnishings, taxidermy and objects of curiosity (so I have heard) They didn’t believe in hiding treasured items away in a draw. If it could be displayed on a walnut bureau on top of a lace doily it was. 


maximalist interior


For me it’s not about following trends I just like stuff, and I like to have it around me so I can see it at all times. (Much to the despair of anyone who has ever lived with me) Maximalism embraces pattern, colour, texture and memories. It’s about saying yes to items you love. They don’t to have match anything else you own. 

My flat has a common theme which is plants and nature.

 Luxurious bedding with a monstera leaf pattern in a clashing colour? Got it. Garish, embellished cactus printed cushions? All the time. Gold palm tree candlesticks. Of course. 


eclectic interior


Accent accessories that are cohesive and make sense help to bring a maximalism scheme together whilst still being exciting, busy and colourful. It has a theme and unity. 

A visual cacophony. Love an accessory? This is the trend for you. Go on treat yourself.

quirky home


The way you choose to express maximalism should be an extension of your personality. Items that tell a story or hold a certain memory, a way to express yourself and really make your home your own. Who wants their house to look like everyone else’s anyway? 



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