Pillow Talk
After finding my perfect natural mattress from the wool room I decided to look for pillows. Ours were looking decidedly flat and lifeless.
I especially wanted one for Emilio. With his heart condition he already has low oxygen levels. We need his lungs to be in the best possible condition to support him. So I definitely didn't want flame retardants or toxic chemicals under his head all night.
Babies are not recommended to have pillows at all, and toddlers usually have firm flat pillows.

As Emilio has some learning difficulties we often have to adapt our planning to that of a younger child. I knew I didn't want an overly squashy pillow for him to bury his face into. But a hard pillow wouldn't give his airway a good angle either.
So after a lot of searching, lots of green washing (where companies pretend their products are more 'eco' than they really are) and lots of non starters I found the Una pillow.
It turned out this wasn't suitable for Emilio. But, oh my god, it's an amazing pillow.
It is full of shredded natural and organic latex. It smells like white chocolate, and it feels like your sleeping on someone's squashy belly.
The great thing about this pillow is that it comes as 2 pieces. You can either use both together or remove one for a lower pillow.
I thought perhaps I could use this smaller pillow for Emilio, but it was far too soft.
My husband ended up with the first one.
I would watch him sleeping peacefully on the belly pillow and want to give him a little kick.
It reminded me of when I was breastfeeding every 3 hours, and he would be sleeping obliviously through every feed. So, eventually I got another one for myself.
A tip for the Una pillows is that they are massive, so get yourself a larger pillowcase if you intend to use both inserts.
For Emilio I went back to the trusty Woolroom and got him a pillow from their range. Again, it's adjustable and you can take wool out or add more as you need.
I found with a bit of fiddling that I got the amount just right and it became quite a firm pillow.

Emilio having his afternoon milk.
(Due to a paralysed vocal cord from surgery and an unsafe swallow he still enjoys having bottles.)
Have you found a good eco pillow? I am always on the lookout for more natural bedding,
As usual, I paid for all these with my own money, so I have no reason to promote. These were the best pillows I found with hours and hours (and hours) of research.
I read the fine print so you don't have too!
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